Friday, February 22, 2013

Sisters Grimm Book Discussion

Last night we hosted a discussion of the first book in the Michael Buckley series: Fairy Tale Detectives

Our Icebreaker question:
What's your favorite Fairy Tale?

We did our trivia, Kim made up the questions:

What is Grandmother Grimm's first name? Relda
What was odd about the first meal Grandmother Grimm cooks for Sabrina 
and Daphne? the spaghetti and meatballs are abnormal colors
What is Mr. Canis' secret? He is formerly known as the BIg Bad Wolf
What is an Everafter? An immortal fairy tale character
What are 3 of the people that Sabrina and Daphne meet? Jack, Puck, 
Ichabod Crane, Snow White, The Mirror, Prince Charming
What does liebling mean? sweet
What kind of dog is Elvis? Great Dane
What is the name of the town where the Grimms and Everafters live 
together? Ferryport Landing
What was in the locked room that no one was allowed to enter? The Magic 
What did Sabrina and Daphne forget to do to the house before they left 
for Prince Charming's ball? Tell it to lock up
What time do Sabrina and Daphne have until before the magic wears off? 9 pm

We asked  several circle questions:

1. What makes a fairy tale? (There are several other book characters in Ferry Port Landing who aren't fairy tale creatures, but fun nonetheless.) Are King Arthur, Puck, and the Queen of Hearts fairy tale creatures?

2. What fairy tale creature would you most like to meet?

3. What fairy tale creature would you like most to be?

4. What one item would you take from the closet in the mirror?

5.If you had one ride on the magic carpet, where would you go?

6.If you had one question for the magic mirror, what would you ask for?

Our Activities 
On the Sisters Grimm website, we had a blast playing a fairy tale mad libs - of course our heroine wanted a book above everything else!

We also had a matching game where we called out the character and had everyone rush to the corresponding book. The books were placed around the room.

For our craft: we made little crowns out of toilet paper roles. Here's my crown decorated with painter's tape. Isn't it cute? We saw it on Pinterest and decided it fit perfectly! 

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